Engagement Activities per year
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Scotland's Singing for Health Network: Royal Musical Association Seminar with University of Glasgow, October 2023
Robertson-Kirkland, B. (Speaker)
4 Oct 2023Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
The impetus to compose: where is fantasy bred?:
McGregor, R. E. (Speaker)
20 Jun 2023Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Anne Young's Musical Games (1801)
Robertson-Kirkland, B. (Speaker) & Raz, C. (Speaker)
26 May 2022Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Venanzio Rauzzini (1746–1810): The Castrato Who Fathered a Generation of English Singers
Robertson-Kirkland, B. (Speaker)
22 Mar 2022Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Conceptualising the relationship between composing and teaching
Ellis, S. (Speaker)
22 Oct 2021Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Creative Wellbeing
Jaap, A. S. (Speaker), Whiteside, B. (Speaker), Robertson-Kirkland, B. (Speaker) & Drury, R. (Speaker)
27 Apr 2021Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Scotland Singing for Health Network, Scottish Educational Research Association
Robertson-Kirkland, B. (Speaker) & Jaap, A. S. (Speaker)
26 Apr 2021Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Toothless tiger, hidden linchpin: the shape of course leadership in the UK
Ellis, S. (Invited speaker)
10 Apr 2018Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Overcoming Challenge Through Creativity
Searle, O. (Speaker)
24 Mar 2018Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Panel Speaker: Mental Health Disability Symposium
Salazar, D. (Invited speaker)
10 May 2017Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
‘Cabinets of curiosity: sonic art and musical art’
MacDonald, A. (Invited speaker)
7 Apr 2017Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Invited Speaker, Launch of the SGSAH Practice Research Network
Salazar, D. (Speaker)
22 Nov 2016Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Making Material: Materiality, Sound and Moving Image
Salazar, D. (Invited speaker)
13 Sept 2016Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
New Music for Digital Instruments
Searle, O. (Speaker)
27 Jul 2016Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Using analogies in curriculum design: a soft approach to student engagement
Ellis, S. (Speaker) & Nimmo, A. (Speaker)
28 Jun 2016Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Helping students to make sense of academic practices
Ellis, S. (Speaker)
21 Mar 2016Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Interrogating the academic locale: surface appreciation, or deep analysis?
Ellis, S. (Speaker)
16 Jul 2015Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Searle, O. (Speaker)
11 May 2015Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Professional values from the common room to the workplace
Ellis, S. (Speaker)
30 Apr 2014Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)
Speaking the international language
Ellis, S. (Invited speaker)
7 May 2013Activity: External performance, talk or presentation › Talk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)