No photo of Bethany Whiteside
  • 100 Renfrew Street

    G2 3DB Glasgow

    United Kingdom

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Current PhD Supervision:

• Deborah Norris, 'Cathy Marston–A Female Author of Narrative Ballet', Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (as Joint Supervisor)

Bethany is available to supervise doctoral projects in the following broad areas of study:

- Sociology of dance
- Dance ethnography
- Dance education


Research activity per year

Personal profile


Bethany Whiteside is Research Lecturer and Doctoral Degrees Coordinator at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Her research focuses on the cultural and social analysis of participatory dance, often through ethnographic means, with a particular focus on the ballet, Highland, and Irish dancing genres.

Bethany has published in a range of peer-reviewed publications, presented at national and international conferences, and was a founding Co-Editor of the Scottish Journal of Performance. In 2014, Beth was a Visiting Research Scholar at Temple University, funded by the ESRC as an Overseas Institutional Visit. Beth is also Membership Secretary of the Society for Dance Research. 

Teaching commitments

Bethany curently teaches on the following modules on the BA Modern Ballet programme:

- Core Skills (Year 1)

- Classical Repertoire: Theory and Practice (Year 1)

- Critical and Contextual Skills (Year 2)

- Individual Project (Year 3) 


Teaching commitments

Current PhD Supervision:

• Deborah Norris, 'Cathy Marston–A Female Author of Narrative Ballet', Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (as Joint Supervisor)

Bethany is available to supervise doctoral projects in the following broad areas of study:

- Sociology of dance
- Dance ethnography
- Dance education


Education / Academic qualifications

DPhil, The Hidden Dancers: A Goffmanian Analysis of Participatory Dance Activity and Practice in Glasgow, Scotland , University of St Andrews


MSc, Dance Science and Education, University of Edinburgh


BA, History (Hons), Cardiff University