A celebration of John McCabe

Aaron Jacob Shorr (Performer), Linda Merrick (Performer), Peter Sheppard Skærved (Performer), Mihailo Trandafilovski (Performer), Morgan Goff (Performer), Neil Heyde (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


Kreutzer Quartet:
Peter Sheppard Skærved Violin
Mihailo Trandafilovski Violin
Morgan Goff Viola
Neil Heyde Cello

Linda Merrick Clarinet
Aaron Shorr Piano

JOHN MCCABE (b.1939)
Sonata for Clarinet, Cello and Piano

Fauvel's Rondeaux

Clarinet Quintet ‘La Donna’
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 5 Oct 2012


  • Fridays at One

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