Following the Bass: A New Digitisation Project for Scottish Fiddle Tune Resources

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The contemporary librarian is more than ever before a conduit for making historical material available to scholars and performers alike. The challenge in today’s world is not only to augment the crucial early manuscripts and publications with appropriate electronic versions, but to provide added
value by enriching them with contextual and interpretative information.
The 3-year AHRC-funded project, Bass Culture in Scottish Musical Traditions, seeks to address this set of issues in Scottish bagpipe and fiddle music. Involving the Universities of Glasgow and Cambridge and the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, it will provide a substantial web resource of
sources and their interpretation, engaging with musicians working in a number of traditions to develop historically-informed practices. The aim is to enable musicians to have an understanding of the structures underpinning Scottish fiddle and pipe music, enriching the traditions with a deeper, more widespread appreciation of the diversity of their roots.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17-25
Number of pages9
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 2015

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