Inter #3: Experimental sounds for loudspeakers

Timothy Cooper (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


INTER- #3: 
Experimental sounds for loudspeakers“between” “among” “in the midst of” “mutually” “reciprocally” “together” “during”These nights are about creating a focused, public listening context for deep experiments in/with/of sound. We aim to support work and practices which might not fit easily into other performance contexts. We hope these events can help to draw together practices across electro-acoustic composition, club/dance production and field-recording (among others) and be part of the exchange between sound and music methods taking place across Glasgow and elsewhere...
INTER- #3 is on Thursday 17th Sept, and features work by:
Lauren Sarah Hayes / Tim Cooper / Aisling Quinn / Adam Stansbie / Linda O'Keefe / Xavier Madore / Zoë Irvine & Pippa Murphy / Brian Connolly / Nikos Stavropoulos / Liam Slevin / Thiago Ruiz / Laurence Chan / Michele Del Prete
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 17 Mar 2015
EventInter#3: Experimental sounds for loudspeakers - Stereo, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 17 Sept 201517 Sept 2015

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