-ish: Performed at The Southbank Centre, London, as part of the Unlimited Festival

Aby Watson (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


rising / falling
silent / loud
able / unable
mind / body
steady / wobbly
order / chaos

-ish is a choreography of movement, text and object exploring the murky territory that dyspraxia inhabits between the simple dichotomy of able / disabled. Made and performed by a dyspraxic artist, -ish is a performance of real effort (and real chaos) which forms an unapologetic exploration of inbetween-ness that flourishes with and thrives on dys-function.

The premiere of -ish took place in the Purcell Room at The Southbank Centre, London and was the final performance of Southbank's Unlimited Festival.

'Watson’s choreographic piece ‘ish’ draws you in with a loving sense of intimacy... It’s great to watch...'. Zatka-Haas, J. 'Dan Daw and Aby Watson Double Bill Review', Disability Arts Online, accessed: 13/12/18. Available at: http://disabilityarts.online/magazine/opinion/dan-daw-aby-watson-double-bill/
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 9 Sept 2018

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