MARCH (2015)

Anna Birch (Director), Adele Patrick (Producer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsCD/DVD/other digital output


'March' documents a large scale, public art event March of Women taking to the streets of Bridgeton, Glasgow on the eve of International Women's Day 2015.

Cicely Hamilton's popular suffragette play 'A Pageant of Great Women', provides the centre piece and a starting point to bring a diverse community of women in Glasgow in 2015 to the screen.

Through a series of interviews with a wide variety of women taking part in the performance and march, the film considers the gap in documenting women's history, and points to the resounding importance of having a female generation to both honour and draw inspiration from. It follows the process of the plays development within a community of Scottish women from boat builders, to students, librarians and politicians, as they work together towards the final event on March 7 2015. The film gives a lingering insight into some of political and social experiences of women in Scotland today, and invites testament to the tremendous power of a collective voice, and the surprising resonance of a play written over a century ago with our contemporary society.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 10 Aug 2015
EventMarch of Women - Bridgeton, , Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Mar 20157 Mar 2015


  • gender
  • archive
  • social engagement
  • History
  • documentation

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