Matrescence and Creative Practice: Interviews with Mother/Artists

Research output: Contributions to specialist professional publicationsArticle


This study focuses on how matrescence impacts creativity and art-making practices through interviews with mother/artists currently working in Scotland and Ireland in the field of performing arts undertaken in early 2023. Conversations with those involved in creating, devising, composing, designing, writing and/or performing alongside their work as mothers aimed to find out what it is to make art and make babies synchronously. Interviews were chosen so that each mother/artist could communicate their experience in their own words. The research design takes its lead from Andrea O’Reilly who foregrounds a central aim of motherhood studies as to articulate and theorise ‘the voice of the mother’—that is, to analyse becoming and being a mother from the perspective of mothers themselves. This article questions how experiences of matrescence impact artist’s creative practices and uses examples from the interviews with mother/artists to propose key areas within the sector which could be addressed to further support mother/artists. If performance is an ‘act of community’, the impetus on programmers, funders and organisations is to support the evolution of a performance culture that can welcome and celebrate the contribution of working parents and particularly mother/artists.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationInternational Journal of Performance Arts & Digital Media
Publication statusSubmitted - 2024


  • matrescence
  • creative practice
  • interviews
  • digital media
  • mother/artists

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