Mr McFall’s Chamber: ‘All of the Above’

Cyril Garac (Performer), Robert McFall (Performer), Brian Schiele (Performer), Su-a Lee (Performer), Rick Standley (Performer), Maximiliano Martín (Performer), Paul Harrison (Performer), Stuart Brown (Performer), Iain Sandilands (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


Mr McFall’s Chamber
Cyril Garac, Robert McFall Violin
Brian Schiele Viola
Su-a Lee Cello
Rick Standley Double bass
Maximiliano Martín Clarinet
Paul Harrison Keys
Stuart Brown Drum kit
Iain Sandilands Percussion

PAUL HARRISON Consequences
JOE ZAWINUL (b.1932)A Remark You Made
TIM GARLAND (1966)ExtrApollination
FRANK ZAPPA (1940-1993)G Spot Tornado
ZAPPA Echidna’s Arf
RAYMOND SCOTT (1908-1994)The Penguin
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 19 Feb 2016


  • Fridays at One

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