Pop-Up Opera Roadshow (Scottish Opera)

Jessica Leary (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


Scottish Opera's Pop-Up Opera Roadshow tours around Scotland to offer three engaging productions for audiences of all ages. Performed in a specially adapted trailer, each performance is brought to life by a storyteller, two singers, musicians and a series of colourful illustrations. 
A Little Bit of Iolanthe | Gilbert & Sullivan (arr. Derek Clark)A Little Bit of The Magic Flute│Mozart (arr. Derek Clark; translation Kit Hesketh-Harvey) Puffy McPuffer and the Crabbit Canals│Marion Christie & Allan Dunn│For children aged 5 to 8 

Sopranos: Jessica Leary & Charlotte HoatherBaritone: Aidan EdwardsStoryteller: Ross StenhouseAccordion: Lizy StirratHarp: Sharron Griffiths & Gwen YorkeFlute: Laura Cioffi
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 2019

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