Postdigital Learning Journeys

Laura Bissell, David Overend, James Lamb

Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review


Through this article, we open a conversation about how learning journeys take place within complex physical-digital assemblages. In a world where digital technologies are woven into our educational surroundings and practices (Lamb et al. 2022), there is a need to consider the types of learning and knowledge that are privileged, validated, and celebrated (and those that are not). Who is included and excluded from undertaking learning journeys? Are these journeys undertaken forcibly, through necessity, or by choice? What is the relationship between learning that is mapped out, designed, or planned for, and that which takes detours, allowing for the accidental, spontaneous, and unexpected? And what are the environmental politics that play out through such trajectories? Confronting these questions might lead us towards more inclusive, sustainable, and transformative learning experiences for our increasingly mobile, postdigital world.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPostdigital Science and Education
Publication statusSubmitted - 9 Jan 2025


  • learning
  • journeys
  • mobilities
  • postdigital
  • travel

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