Rite of Spring @ 100

Roy Howat (Performer), Aaron Jacob Shorr (Performer), Jonathan Plowright (Performer), Hanna Choi (Performer), Liivi Arder (Performer), Graeme McNaught (Performer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


Roy Howat, Aaron Shorr

CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862-1918)
En blanc et noir
I.Qui reste a sa place: Avec emportement (Barbier et Carre)
II.Prince, porte soit des serfs: Lent. Sombre (Villon)
III.Yver, vous n'estes qu'un vilain: Scherzando (Charles d'Orleans)

Jonathan Plowright, Graeme McNaught

CLAUDE DEBUSSY (1862-1918)

The Rite of Spring

Choreography Georgia Moffa
Original Films Struan Robertson, Andrew Wright, Melissa Murray, Ben Cook

Act I Adoration of the Earth
The Augurs of Spring - Dances of the Young Girls
Ritual of Abduction
Spring Rounds

Hanna Choi and Liivi Arder Piano

Ritual of the River Tribes
Procession of the Sage
The Sage
Dance of the Earth

Inga Liukaityte and Jonathan Plowright Piano

Act II The Sacrifice
Mystic Circles of the Young Girls

Donata Vaitkute and Xizi Zhang Piano

Glorification of the Chosen One
Evocation of the Ancestors
Ritual Action of the Ancestors

Sarah Ayoub and Pavel Markov Piano

Sacrificial Dance

Mohamed Shamseldin and Ed Cohen Piano
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 10 Mar 2013


  • Piano Festival

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