Sound Lab Presents Edit-Point

Timothy Cooper (Performer), Alistair MacDonald (Composer), Diana Salazar (Composer), Jennifer Stephenson (Performer), Lesley Bell (Performer), Cameo Clarinet Quartet (Performer), Nicholas Virgo (Composer)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance

140 Downloads (Pure)


About the Concert:

Welcome one and all to the latest installment of sound lab featuring Edit- Point. Tonight all is not quite as it seems as the music leads you through a sonic hall of mirrors. From ventriloquism to puppet dancing, mirages and abstract illusions each piece tackles sound in its own way. Listen as sounds magically disappear or engulf you as if the room is changing size while the sounds morph before your very ears. Keep your wits about you and your ears open, as we lead you into the surprising sound worlds of Edit-Point's cinema for the ear.


Busk – Alistair MacDonald and Nicholas Virgo
My Life in Ventriloquism – Thomas Butler
Dreel – Alistair MacDonald
- interval -
Pavakoothu – Diana Salazar
Kilim – Alistair MacDonald
Fata Morgana – Timothy Cooper


Cameo Clarinet Quartet
Lesley Bell
Jennifer Stephenson
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 15 Jun 2012

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