The Sea, The Sea, The Sea

Laura Bissell (Director)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsCD/DVD/other digital output


At the end of 2015 I interviewed residents of Dunoon and the surrounding areas asking them questions about their experiences of living by the sea, what “the sea” means to them and what part it plays in their life to create a short video called The Sea, The Sea, The Sea. The video includes contributions from pupils of Toward Primary School (which is situated right on the water, looking out to Bute), students at Dunoon Grammar School, a sea captain, a naval engineer, an artist, a geologist, employees at local businesses as well as residents who practice open water swimming, who boat and sail for leisure and who have lived on the water for all or part of their lives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 26 Jul 2016

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