Time To Shine: Scotland's Youth Arts Strategy for 0-25

Research output: Books, editions or reportsCommissioned report

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[From the introduction:]
Time To Shine is Scotland’s arts strategy for young people aged 0-25. Its core purpose is to enrich young people’s lives through arts and creativity.
It is a statement of ambition, determination and it is a starting point. It reflects the opinions of those who took part in the national discussion, and aims to provide direction for all of us – young people, supporters, artists, organisers, deliverers and funders. Starting from now.
It is a reminder that children and young people’s arts in Scotland are strengthsof our cultural sector – one we all must celebrate and develop. It urges us to become smarter, collaborate more and continue to develop new partnerships, including with non-cultural bodies.
It recognises that engagement with the arts and creativity has huge benefits for individuals and society that cross many national agendas and we want to work to see that recognised and encouraged. It provides the framework for us to celebrate and further support the significant contribution of youth arts to young people’s personal development, their well being, their health, their communities, the economy and in helping to make Scotland the best place in the world in which to grow up.
It puts young people at the core of our thinking, at the heart of what we do. It is a reminder to listen and to hear what young people are saying and involve them in decision making.
It deliberately sets out to be as holistic as possible – recognising the different needs and choices of the various age groups within the 0-25 yrs age range. It also recognises that the term ‘the arts’ can refer to activity well beyond some traditional definitions.
It is inclusive. The strategy speaks to all of Scotland’s young people and aims to tackle disadvantage caused by gender, race, ability, experience, geography or any other factor which may inhibit participation.It is a long term vision, one we are committed to for at least the next generation. We see this strategy as covering the first ten years and we will review progress and direction every two years. It will empower us to move forward together, and create the conditions in which Scotland can support all young people to flourish and achieve in and through the arts and creativity.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherCreative Scotland
Commissioning bodyCreative Scotland
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 8 Nov 2013

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