Vocal Jazz: Blue Monday

James Slimings (Conductor), Colin Broom (Other)

Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance


Vocal Jazz

Ledger Recital Room
Ailie Anderson, Irini Arabatzis Vocals
Meredith Hudock Fiddle
Cameron Thomson-Duncan Trumpet
Fergus McCreadie Piano
Mark Hendry Bass
Greg Irons Drums

RCS Voices
Poppy Shotts, Martina Starrr Lassen, Ellen Mawhinney, Jasmine Munns Soprano
Judith LeBreuilly, Beth Taylor, Inkeri Kallio, Lea Shaw Alto
Liam Bonthrone, Matthew McKinney, David Horton, Connor Smith, James Slimings Tenor
Jonathan Forbes Kennedy, Will Frost, Tambet Kikas Bass

Part I
George Gershwin (1898 - 1937) My Man's gone now
Jimmy Van Heusen (1913 - 1990) Like someone in love
Kenny Wheeler (1930 -2014) Everybody's song but my own

Ailie Anderson Vocals

W.C Handy (1873-1958)
St Lewis Blues
Irini Arabatzis Vocals   
Cameron Thomason-Duncan Trumpet

Stan Getz (1927-1991) arr. Joao Gilberto

Norma Winstone (b.1941) arr. Glauco Venier

Irini Arabatzis Vocals

Traditional Down in the Willow Garden    
Ailie Anderson, Irini Arabatzis Vocals     
Meredith Hudock Fiddle

Part II

Lennon & McCartney arr. Alexander L'Estrange Ticket to Ride
Traditional arr. Jonathan Rathbone Joshua fit the battle of Jerico
Traditional arr. Jonathan Rathbone What shall we do with the drunken sailor?
Duke Ellington arr. Anders Jalkeus Come Sunday
Traditional arr. Jonathan Rathbone Loch Lomond
Anders Edenroth Chilli Con Carne
Lennon & McCartney arr. Carol Canning Lady Madonna
George & Ira Gershwin arr Christopher Clapham I Got Ryhthm
Anders Edenroth Words
Albert Hammond & Mike Hazelwood arr Peter Knight I'm a Train
James Taylor & Don Grolnick arr. Simon Carrington That Lonesome Road    
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 28 Nov 2016


  • Blue Mondays

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