Breathe and Sleep

Engagement activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in an external workshop, masterclass, seminar or training course

Laura Gonzalez (Organiser), 18 May 2020

A practical workshop exploring breath practices to enhance good quality sleep.

Led by Professor Laura González, as part of Mental Health Awareness Week
As part of her Creative Scotland Open Project Funding award, Laura is studying the practice of pranayama (breath control) to enhance presence and resilience in performers.

She will be offering a free open workshop focusing on breath and sleep and the impact both have on the mental health of performers. The session will be introductory, practical and open to everyone.

As part of this workshop you will:
• Learn about the breath and its link to mind and body.
• Be invited to deepen your breath safely, allowing you to become more aware and calmer
• Be introduced specific practices that will help you to connect to your parasympathetic nervous system, which will allow you to sleep better.

Event (Workshop)

TitleBreathe and Sleep
LocationRCS online
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Degree of recognitionInternational event