Mapping trends and framing issues in higher music education: Changing minds/changing practices

Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review



This article presents five case studies from within music in higher education programmes that collectively explore key questions concerning how we look at the challenges and trends, and the need for change to react to the recent higher education (HE) climate, through reference to teaching musicians the skills, knowledge and diverse career creativities that are valued in preparing musicians to enter sustained careers. In this article, the National Association for Music in Higher Education (NAMHE) elected committee members explore the emerging issues and agendas within the context of higher education, and the national and international policy shifts that are occurring. The case studies explore: (1) an inclusive curriculum and undergraduate student partner project; (2) employability skills and postgraduate courses; (3) digital creativities; (4) music career creativities and gender; and (5) an integrated student experience.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)457
Number of pages473
JournalLondon Review of Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 15 Nov 2017