The Wollstonecraft Live Experience! First woman travel writer, Mary Wollstonecraft, Hackney to Everywhere

Research output: Books, editions or reportsBook



This limited edition art book in two languages English and Korean is made for Wollstonecraft Live! at Hackney Museum ( January 6- March 13 2010). Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797): Find out more about this fascinating 18th century feminist, philosopher, traveller, author and her connection to Hackney through the five year project (2004-2009) produced by Fragments & Monuments performance and film company on Newington Green, Hackney, London, UK. Help create a living monument to Mary Wollstonecraft by sending photographs of your favourite female role models to

Bibliographic note

This limited edition art book was published twice, the original publication was a hard back funded by the University of Surrey. The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama funded the next publication of 50 soft back copies using a new cover made from a photograph of the original cover of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, 1792 by Mary Wollstonecraft and found in the Hackney Archive. The dimensions of Wollstonecraft's famous book and the one made by Anna and Taey are identical. The original copy of 'Vindication' and the art book were displayed side by side in the Hackney Museum exhibition. A copy of The Wollstonecraft Live Experience! art book is now deposited alongside Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in the Hackney Archive.


Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, UK
PublisherFragments & Monuments
Commissioning bodyHackney Museum
Number of pages98
ISBN (print)978-0-9568008-0-0
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 6 Jan 2010

Author keywords

  • Mary Wollstonecraft, art book, philosophy, performance, theatre, site-specific, film