
Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance



Nic Green’s Trilogy is a celebratory venture into the complexities of modern-day feminisms, interrogating the joys and complexities of being a woman today. Designed to challenge prevailing attitudes, this participatory performance work makes bold use of narrative, debate, dance and song. Moving from a courageous investigation of the relationship modern women have with their bodies, to a poignant and moving response to the fierce 1970s panel discussion Town Bloody Hall (featuring Germaine Greer, Jill Johnston, Norman Mailer and others), Trilogy ends with a joyous, vibrant paean to womankind. Green and her company deliver an evening of tireless, raw energy in this inspiring, adventurous performance event.

Performed at Battersea Arts Centre, The Arches at St Stephens, Barbican, Dublin Festival Fringe, Belfast Festival at Queens, LICA, Bristol Mayfest and Glasgow IETM.


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 2009