Rachel Drury

Lecturer in Learning and Teaching in the Performing Arts


  1. 2019
  2. Coorie Doon: the act of co-song-writing

    Rachel Drury (Invited speaker)

    28 Mar 2019

    Engagement activity: External performance, talk or presentationTalk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)

  3. 2018
  4. By the Power of Music ...

    Rachel Drury (Invited speaker)

    14 Nov 2018

    Engagement activity: External performance, talk or presentationTalk for a mainly non-academic audience (e.g. for the general public, community or industry)

  5. ISME - International Society for Music Education

    Rachel Drury (Organiser), Jill Morgan (Speaker) & Jill Morgan (Organiser)

    15 Jul 201820 Jul 2018

    Engagement activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in an academic conference, workshop or symposium

  6. 2017
  7. The impact of music in early years and its application for the arts

    Rachel Drury (Invited speaker)

    13 Feb 2017

    Engagement activity: External performance, talk or presentationTalk for a mainly academic audience (e.g. at an academic conference)

  8. 2016
  9. ISME

    Rachel Drury (Organiser), Angela S Jaap (Speaker) & Helen Elise McVey (Organiser)

    24 Jul 201629 Jul 2016

    Engagement activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in an academic conference, workshop or symposium

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