Dance Education in the Primary School in Scotland

Research output: Other contributionsOther contribution



For primary schools in Scotland, the national Curriculum for
Excellence (CfE) is organised into eight curriculum areas, one of which
is the Expressive Arts. In CfE the Expressive Arts covers Art & Design,
Dance, Drama and Music. Not only is dance located within the
Expressive Arts, with its own Experiences and Outcomes signalling
the artistic, expressive and creative possibilities of the art form, but
also dance can be delivered and enjoyed as part of Physical Education
(PE) aligning with the PE Significant Aspects of Learning situated in the
curriculum area of Health and Wellbeing.
Existing UK and International research findings suggest issues of
teachers’ limited prior experience of dance; misconceptions around
dance; teachers’ own confidence and ability to teach dance; time
within a busy curriculum and subject hierarchy, may be having an
impact on dance in the primary school (Rolfe, 2001; Kaufmann & Ellis,
2007; Russell-Bowie, 2012; Lummis, Morris & Paolino, 2014;
Cheesman, 2016). Therefore, the purpose of this project was to
provide up-to-date information on what is happening with dance in
primary schools in Scotland and why.


Original languageEnglish
TypeResearch Report sharing an up-to-date picture of what is happening with dance education in Scotland's primary schools and why
Medium of outputResearch Report
Number of pages72
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 2 Nov 2022

Author keywords

  • Dance Education, Primary Education, Teacher Education, Creative Movement