Representation of Women Composers in the Whittaker Library

Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review



The Whittaker Library at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland has been making a concerted effort to improve the equality and diversity of our stock for some time. In this paper, I begin by outlining my own efforts to increase the Whittaker Library’sstock of music by women composers, and scholarly literature not only by but also about women composers. As a small library in a small specialist institution, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, resources are not limitless, but it has been possible to make thisproject one of our priority areas. I describe the measures taken to build up stock in this area, alongside building a dedicated page on the library’s portal. Running alongside this, I have made a similar drive to improve representation of music by composers of colour. Over and above all this, we have increased our social media activity; meanwhile, another colleague; has been working with some of our academic colleagues in terms of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in course reading lists, as I shall also describe; and a third has been working on EDI in the drama collection. Recognising the limitations not only of budgets, but also the comparative availability of materials by and about women only a few short decades ago –not to mention historically –I aim to provide food for thought, underlining the importance of close collaboration between the library and academic colleagues.


Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-26
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 22 Feb 2023

Author keywords

  • Women, Composers, Composers of Colour, BIPOC Composers, Equality, Diversity, Libraries