Burns, Ramsay and Song

Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaper



Free Event | All Welcome
Join the Centre for Robert Burns Studies at the University of Glasgow's Advanced Research Centre for an evening performance of songs illuminating the links between two of Scotland's greatest poets and songwriters, Allan Ramsay (1684-1758) and Robert Burns (1759-1796).

This event highlights research undertaken as part of two of our major Textual Editing projects: 'Editing Robert Burns for the 21st Century' and 'The Collected Works of Allan Ramsay'.

Featuring performance by Dr Brianna Robertson-Kirkland, Mhairi Lawson and Jacques Carrol-Leitao.

A reception will be held at 16:30 and the performance will commence at 17:30. We look forward to seeing you there!


Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 22 Jan 2024
EventBurns, Ramsay and Song - ARC, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 22 Jan 202422 Jan 2024


PerformanceBurns, Ramsay and Song
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address