LA CRÉDULITE À L'ÂGE DE LA RAISON / CREDULITY IN THE AGE OF REASON: Rhétorique, épistémologies, éducation / Rhetoric, Epistemologies, Education

Research output: Books, editions or reportsAnthologypeer-review



Credulity in the Age of Reason interrogates the tension between credulity and reason throughout the 18th century as ultimately a problem of power and knowledge. The authors consider texts intended for the instruction of young people as well as the education of the wider public to explore the negotiation of what constituted authority in the construction of philosophical, political, economic, and trans-cultural knowledge.

Stemming from the International Society for Eighteenth- Century Studies Early Career Researchers seminar hosted by the University of Michigan in June 2021, Credulity in the Age of Reason shows how the problem of credulity, and the closely related issues of authority and credibility, permeated European society and culture in the Age of Enlightenment.


Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationParis
PublisherHonoré Champion
Number of pages400
ISBN (electronic)9782745361738
ISBN (print)978-2-7453-6173-8
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 15 Jul 2024