The sound of forgotten music: Karen McAulay uncovers some of the great female composers who have been lost from history

Research output: Other contributionsOther contribution



Starting with the startling discovery that until recently, no women composers were represented in the English A-Level Music syllabus, moves have been afoot to rectify this situation. This article introduces 12 women composers from the 17th to mid-20th centuries who would have been better known had they been men!


Original languageEnglish
TypeFeature for popular press
Medium of outputMagazine (print)
PublisherD C Thomson
Number of pages2
Place of PublicationDundee
Volumeno. 197
Publication statusPublished or Performed - 11 Sept 2020

Publication series

NameThe People's Friend
PublisherD C Thomson
VolumeYear: 2020
ISSN (Print)0262-2386

Author keywords

  • women composers