Browse Work

  1. Published or Performed

    Potential use of clinical skills podcasts in teaching and learning of clinical procedural skills

    Jaap, A., 2013.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  2. Published or Performed

    Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to Undergraduate students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching

    Robb, AJP., Jaap, A., Muir, H. & Stewart, B., 2013.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  3. Published or Performed

    Technical skills podcasts are acceptable and useful to Undergraduate students as an adjunct to simulation-based clinical skills teaching

    Robb, AJP., Jaap, A., Muir, H. & Stewart, B., 2013.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  4. Published or Performed

    Retrospective: a presentation on Moving Image Education

    Jaap, A. & Head, G., 2013.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  5. Published or Performed

    Moving Image Education and awareness of alcohol in S1 pupils

    Head, G. & Jaap, A., 2013.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  6. Published or Performed

    Inclusive Pedagogy: A Contribution from Two Unrelated Empirical Studies

    Head, G., Jaap, A. & Sutherland, M., 2015.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  7. Published or Performed

    Developing as a teacher: supporting Graduate Teaching Assistants in their transition into teaching

    Jaap, A., 2015.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  8. Published or Performed

    Coorie Doon

    Drury, R., Jaap, A., McVey, H. E. & Maclaverty, C., 2016.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaper

  9. Published or Performed

    Music for Integration Research Briefing

    Odena, O., Jaap, A., Summers, M. & Rodriguez, A., 2016.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  10. Published or Performed

    Exploring the potential of music education for integrating newly arrived children in Scottish schools

    Odena, O., Jaap, A., Summers, M. & Rodriguez, A., 2016.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  11. Published or Performed

    University teachers' experiences and impact on academic practice of a course in technology-enhanced learning

    Jaap, A. & Dale, V., 2016.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  12. Published or Performed

    Skills for learning and work - promoting graduate attributes through diverse approaches to assessment

    Thompson, K., Jaap, A. & F, L., 2017.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  13. Published or Performed

    Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach

    MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A., Loads, D., Murray, D. & Phillipi, F., 2017.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaper

  14. Published or Performed

    Focus On: Statement of Expectations for Postgraduates who Teach

    MacFarlane, D., Burge, A., Jaap, A., Loads, D., Murray, D. & Phillipi, F., 2017.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaper

  15. Published or Performed

    Film Education in Libraries

    Jaap, A. & Borkowska, K., 2018.

    Research output: Contributions to conferencesPaperpeer-review

  16. Published or Performed

    Evaluating the Impact of Chartered Teacher in Scotland: the views of Chartered Teachers

    McMahon, M., Reeves, J., Devlin, A., Simpson, J. & Jaap, A., 2007, Edinburgh.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsCommissioned report

  17. Published or Performed

    Literature research and analysis on A Curriculum for Excellence: Perspectives on 5-14

    Jaap, A., 2007, Netherlands: SLO.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsBook

  18. Published or Performed

    The Education of the Gifted and Talented in Music

    Jaap, A., 2008, Bristol: ESCalate.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsCommissioned report

  19. Published or Performed

    Evaluation of the Reel to Real Moving Image Education Project for Young People Receiving More Choices, More Chances

    Head, G. & Jaap, A., 2009, Glasgow: Scottish Screen.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsBook

  20. Published or Performed

    Moving Image Education Retrospective: In conjunction with Maisiondieu Primary School, Brechin

    Head, G. & Jaap, A., 2011, Glasgow: Creative Scotland.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsCommissioned report