Browse Work

  1. 1993
  2. Published or Performed

    Der Kirchengesang in Rußland vom Ende 15. bis zur Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts

    Zvereva, S., 1993, Grazer Musikwißenschaftliche Arbeiten, B. 10: Altrußische Musik. Graz, Austria: Akademische Druck u. Verlagsanstalt, Vol. 10. p. 71-84

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  3. Published or Performed

    Musical Traditions of the Scots in Newfoundland

    Bennett, M., 1993, In: The London Journal of Canadian Studies .

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  4. Published or Performed

    Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion

    Howat, R., 1993, The Bartók Companion. Gillies, M. (ed.). London: Faber & Faber, p. 315–30

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  5. 1994
  6. Published or Performed

    Brose and Bannock Day

    Bennett, M., 1994, In: Scottish Studies. 31, p. 131-132

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  7. Published or Performed

    Carryanchor Night

    Bennett, M. & Lyle, E., 1994, In: Scottish Studies. 31, p. 132-134

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  8. Published or Performed

    Debussy and the Orient

    Howat, R., 1994, Recovering the Orient: Artists, Scholars, Appropriations. Gerstle, A. & Milner, A. (eds.). Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers, p. 45–81 37 p.

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  9. Published or Performed

    Scottish Customs of Christmas and New Year

    Bennett, M., 1994, In: The University of Edinburgh Journal.

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  10. Published or Performed

    The Actor's Director: Richard Attenborough Behind the Camera

    Dougan, A., 1994, Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. 192 p.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsBook

  11. Published or Performed

    Weather sayings from Bannfshire

    Bennett, M., 1994, In: Tocher: a periodical of the School of Scottish Studies. 47, p. 310-312

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  12. 1995
  13. Published or Performed

    What do we perform?

    Howat, R., 1995, The Practice of Performance: Studies in Musical Interpretation. Rink, J. (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, p. 3–20 18 p.

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

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