Browse Work

  1. Published or Performed

    The Black Hole

    De Simone, J., 10 May 2011

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  2. Published or Performed

    Great Piano in the Sky: for 15 Pianos

    De Simone, J., 3 Jun 2011

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  3. Published or Performed

    Quiet Meadow: for Chamber Orchestra

    De Simone, J., 23 Nov 2013

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  4. Published or Performed

    Misrememberance: for 'Cello Solo

    De Simone, J. & Irvine, R., 1 Sept 2016

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  5. Published or Performed

    Alma Mater

    De Simone, J., 15 Aug 2011

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  6. Published or Performed

    Geek: for Symphony Orchestra

    De Simone, J., 10 May 2013

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  7. Published or Performed


    De Simone, J., 17 Sept 2014

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  8. Published or Performed

    Mitaki (for string quintet and electronics)

    MacDonald, A., 2008

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  9. Published or Performed

    Invisible from Land and Sea

    MacDonald, A., 2008

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsCD/DVD/other digital output

  10. Published or Performed


    MacDonald, A., 2010

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition