Browse Work

  1. Published or Performed

    42nd AEC Annual Congress Gala Concert

    Boddice, N. & Dean, T., 14 Nov 2015

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance

  2. Published or Performed

    25 Bliadhna de na Feisean: The Participants' Story: Attitudinal research on the Feis movement in Scotland

    Broad, S. & France, J., 2005, Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsCommissioned report

  3. Published or Performed


    Searle, O., 19 Jan 2018

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  4. Published or Performed

    1s2_2s2_2p6: [remix of Tansy Davies' Neon]

    Salazar, D., 2015

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  5. Published or Performed

    1808 Beethoven Academie Concert: BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

    Slimings, J., Dean, T. & Søndegard, T., 2 Oct 2016

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance

  6. Published or Performed

    1690-1990: Balquhidder Revisited

    Bennett, M., 1991, The Good People: New Fairylore Essays. Narvaez., P. (ed.). New York: Garland Publishing & University Press of Kentucky

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  7. Published or Performed

    13 Factories

    Fennessy, D., 2009

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsComposition

  8. Published or Performed

    1.5 Months: Mhenwhar Hews

    Anderson, S., 9 Oct 2018

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance

  9. Published or Performed

    …When Our Fit’s Over…

    Silberschatz, M., 2014

    Research output: Performances, compositions and other non-textual formsPerformance

  10. Published or Performed

    • Wolfgang Rihm: Aspects of Unity and Diversity in His Compositional Processes

    McGregor, R., 2017, In: Contemporary Music Review. 36, 4, p. 203-6

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  11. Published or Performed

    “Wozu Image?” / What’s the Point of Images? Exploring the Relation between Image and Text through Intersemiotic Translation and Its Embodied Experience

    Gonzalez, L. & Campbell, M., 31 Dec 2018, In: Open Cultural Studies. 2, 1, p. 686–699 14 p.

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  12. Published or Performed

    “Regular Routes: Deep Mapping a Performative Counterpractice for the Daily Commute”

    Bissell, L. & Overend, D., Dec 2016, Humanities: Deep Mapping. Roberts, L. (ed.). p. 476 499 p.

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  13. Published or Performed

    “Recollections of an Argyllshire Drover” & Other West Highland Chronicles

    Bennett, M. (ed.) & Cregeen, E. R., 2013, Edinburgh & ochterture, Scotland: John Donald Publishers & Grace Note Publications.

    Research output: Books, editions or reportsBookpeer-review

  14. Published or Performed
  15. Published or Performed

    ‘Under the Radar’ or ‘Caught in the Crossfire’? The Music of Gaspar van Weerbeke and its Reception-History

    Fitch, F., 2018, Gaspar van Weerbeke: New Perspectives on his Life and music. Lindmayr-Brandl, A. & Kolb, P. (eds.). Turnhout and Tours: Brepols, p. 105–21

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review

  16. Published or Performed

    ‘Two Fellows from Ghent’: for the Obrecht and Agricola Quincentenaries

    Fitch, F., 1 Dec 2012, In: Journal of the Alamire Foundation. 2, 2, p. 43–55 13 p.

    Research output: Contributions to journalsArticlepeer-review

  17. Published or Performed
  18. Published or Performed
  19. Published or Performed
  20. Published or Performed

    ‘Reading as Creative Practice’

    Gonzalez, L., 2017, The Adapt-r Creativity Book. Verbeke, J. (ed.). Brussels: KU Leuven, p. 169–177 9 p.

    Research output: Contributions to books, editions, reports or conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review